Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Budget Cuts Threaten Parental Rights

Many thanks to a colleague who shared information about the following last week...

In an attempt to balance budgets in New Hampshire, the governor eliminated funding for attorneys for parents charged with abuse and/or neglect. Rightly so, many child welfare and legal professionals in New Hampshire see this as a huge step backwards, as much of the child welfare field is working to expand access to high quality attorneys for parents.

Visit the link just below to read about, as well as listen to, the New Hampshire Public Radio story.


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Cancer Screening Budget Cuts May Prove Deadly for Some Women

From The Huffington Post...

Government budget cuts may prove deadly for low-income women who are increasingly unable to get critical cancer screenings that once were offered free by state governments

Shrinking state and federal budgets, the elevated cost of top-notch testing and growing demand are leaving millions of uninsured women unable to access breast and cervical screening programs.

Read the full article...